As I arrived home from work tonight (10:30ish), I was pleasantly surprised that my beautiful 2 year old was still awake awaiting for my arrival. And just like her mother and grandmother and great~grandmother have done for so many years, a late night chat and little snack were in order. So a Hagen's leftover submarine sandwich, a glass of warm milk, and a quick recap of the day is all it took for my little dolly to unwind and finally fall asleep.
I look forward to many late night chats with my girls and to carry on the tradition that has always been the right remedy for those nights you just couldn't sleep.
There must have been something in the air last night. Aiden was awake until 11:00 last night. Finally after a final bedtime story, back rub and prayer to help him sleep, it worked. But now I'm dreading waking him up for school today...
I am sooo one of those!!! Everything that happens during the day tends to come out at night! How precious that little Paigey has already started, I love that blog post!
I miss that too, Mary. Thank heavens for cell phones!
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