Piper had her 5 year old check~up today weighing in at a whopping 41.5 #'s (60%) and 43.75 inches (75%) tall. And with flu season quickly approaching, she walked away with 4 shots (counting some of her immunizations). Paigey also got one too...NO fun!!! However, it was fun going to pick out new tutu's that nicely hid the band~aid battle wounds from the doctor, making everything better!
Hopefully a healthy flu season at our house! :)
very cute tutu's!
When Iam having a long day, I go to your blog, and it so lifts my spirits. Thanks for sharing your life,,,,especially in pictures!. I loved hearing from Piper last night, with a sore leg from her shots. I loved listening to her, and was wishing I was there to hold her for awhile and listen to her "stories". Love you guys.
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