Sunday, August 2, 2009

The tribe has spoken!

It was a dead even tie before Baxter made the final decision on my latest cheap find from TJ Maxx. And to be brutally honest, I think it made him nauseous because he threw up ALL over it!! But something good did come from this whole experience, I am able to salvage the olive colored draperies, sheets, and throw pillows that will go absolutely perfect with my new set coming from Crate & Barrel!!!

The lesson learned is always go with your first instinct and maybe the cheapest deal isn't always the cheapest way to go (when you end up purchasing both because the first didn't work out)!!!

*Thanks Mom and Grandma Rosie for the fun birthday money....I will absolutely love my new bedroom!!!!

1 comment:

rebecca said...

I almost bought this same set! Great minds think alike.