1.) He is the best bathroom cleaner in the world!
2.) "Old Blue" in the garage has never missed an oil change, but he ALWAYS seems to leave me with a blinking gas light.
3.) Has only had one cavity in his life...and he thinks I am the one who gave it to him!
4.) Never runs yellow lights.
5.) Bought reading glasses because I thought they were "sexy", and then ended up really needing them after they ruined his eyes.
6.) Stayed in college an extra 3 years (and continued to get degrees) waiting me to graduate so we could live forever in marital bliss!
7.) Spent a whole summer vacation (internship) in his grandparents old smelly camper trailer to afford to buy me a wedding ring.
8.) Let the Asian lady in the mall buzz cut his hair to a number "2" because I wouldn't spend the extra money to let my stylist do it (he now routinely goes to Alicia for all his hair needs)!
9.) Always kisses me goodnight!
10.) Was a total sympathy eater while I was pregnant with both of our children.
11.) {extension from #10} Went on Weight Watchers with me after Paige was born...and stuck to it!
12.) Will wear any color of work shirt I pick out.
13.) Washes the girl's hair {believe me, this is a HUGE job}!
14.) Got me an A+ in chemistry lab in college, because he is soOooO smart {he now tutors Katie [our nanny]}.
15.) Will not let me throw away his 15+ year old "Doc Martins".
16.) Would rather have me tickle his back than anything else in the world.
17.) Looks better in my high heel sandals than I do {long story short, in college when we worked at the pool together (and shoes were mandated) he broke his foot wearing my sandals on an emergency errand for me}.
18.) Is willing to watch 1 chick flick a month!
19.) Makes sure we get to church every week.
20.) He is great at yard work {and most of the time, doesn't complain about doing it}.
21.) Always starts the coffee maker in the morning, and usually drinks all the creamer.
22.) Makes the best "McSchweiggie" breakfast sandwiches on Saturday mornings.
23.) Is the best Daddy in the whole wide world!
24.) Makes better eggies, chili, steaks....hey wait a minute, he is just so great he should just do ALL the cooking!
25.) Took me to my high school dance (I didn't have a date otherwise) even though he was a junior in college.
26.) Is my best friend!
27.) Can add up any number in his head.
28.) Spends every birthday at someone else's function {like today}.
29.) He wakes up extra early to get us girls maple bars on Sunday mornings {now that I put this in writing...we eat really bad weekend breakfasts}!
30.) Even though I can be the biggest pain, he has vowed to spend the next 30+ years with me!
Happy 30th Birthday Chris!!
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Chris! Love the list Mary.
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