Thursday, December 18, 2008

We had to wear these to go outside in this!

Today is a snow day for the kids in Bellingham, so NO school! I asked Piper what she wanted for lunch, and guess what she said? Yep, your right -"Donald's" for chicken nuggets and My Little Pony toys. So, I bundled us all up and warmed the car. Scraping the car windows bring back many Montana high school memories (some more pleasant than others). At least it's not cold enough for my nostrils to stick together!

So here we were, all ready to go as we carefully drove down the street-and sure enough I got stuck right in front of the driveway! Glad we all have snow boots to get home! So the moral of the story is: I guess we'll have to wait for daddy to go to "Donald's" this week!

~Happy Thursday!

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