Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sometimes you just need to rant;

I am tired.
This is the 3rd day of my diet, and I am hungry.
I fell and skinned my knee outside of the elementary school on Monday (and am still feeling the pain on Thursday).
I just ran out of coffee.
The dog (Red) just ate my favorite pair of underwear.
The cat-dog (Baxter) just watched him do it.
I am thankful that this is all I have to complain about and my kids are now safely at school (thanks to a great friend who drove them there).


katie said...

I hear ya! I have been having a few of those days as well...including my dog eating my favorite pair of underwear!! Hope your day gets better ASAP! Go get some rest & coffee while the kiddos are at school...that's where I'm headed now! :)

Jen said...

I'm sorry, hopefully your afternoon of friends cheered you up!

rebecca said...

I say we go out and buy you some new favorite underwear; a girl can never have to many pairs.