4:00 am up and adam for conference in Seattle. ROAD TRIP 5:10 to 6:45 am, arrive a little early (thanks to good traffic, and GPS). 7:30 Conference at Seattle Renaissance Hotel starts with a great breakfast and lots of coffee! 8:00 to 12:00 pm-lecture. 12:00 to 1:00 pm Lunch-another great meal catered by the hotel. 1:00 Heart dissection...mmm right after lunch! 3:30 pm conference ends "a little early", but stuck in parking garage because of issue of validation with my parking ticket. 3:45ish finally get a hold of someone to let me out of the underground parking garage (pretty scary), only to have to find somewhere to park on Madison St. to run into the hotel to pay for parking (should have just drove off). 4:00 pm wait in line at the Renaissance for 20minutes, finally the concierges tell me to "forget about it" (again, should have just drove off). 4:30ish enter downtown Seattle traffic...the rest is self explanatory. 6:00 pm finally out of Everett traffic, only to run into CONSTRUCTION northbound to B'ham...great (again, should have just drove off)! 6:30ish arrive at home. Mexican takeout food thanks to hubbie. Pick up house. Start packing for camping trip. 9:00 Relax on the couch, resting my feet on my favorite rug...exhausted!!!