Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Open House

GOOD NEWS! It's not's me!

Translation: Piper didn't want me to go to her open house yesterday; why?? She is doing just fine in school: perfect behavior, completing her assignments on time, and excelling at being a 1st grader...the issue??? She is embarrassed of her mother!


Sally said...

Mary, you are taking it too personal. Someday, Piper will see you for who you are, but right now it's all about her and what "everyone" thinks about her. (Just don't go to her class dressed in scrubs...that's a no-no, unless it's work day.) Take it from me, whoes been there. Someday, you will laugh. (hopefully)

Jen said...

I'm sorry Mary it hurts to have this happen so early. I was hoping it wouldn't happen until they were teenagers. Yikes.

Stephanie said...

Poor Mommy! It happenes way too soon. My dad always tells me, our kids have a way of growing up before it suits us. :)